Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving, Reviews and Randomness....

November marks my favorite time of the year....the absolute BESTEST three months of the year begin in NOVEMBER :)

First you have my birthday, then Thanksgiving. Followed by all of the great Christmas parties at work, Christmas Eve (which is SO much better than Christmas day), Christmas day, then New Year's Eve and FINALLY New Year's day.

And before you get too settled into work...BAM! There's MLK day ;)

I love it!

I have so much to be Thankful for this year.

In the midst of a recession...God has blessed to be in a better financial position than I've ever been in my entire life. He's blessed me with a great family, wonderful friends and most of all - he gave me the love of my life this year.

2008 brought us our first African American First Lady! Oh yeah...and the fabulousness that is Sasha and Malia.

God blessed us with a man who's name MEANS blessing - BARACK OBAMA.

And Beyonce came out with a CD on my

What could be better?

Has anyone been watching that new show, "Brothers to Brutha" on BET? At first I thought these were some corny kids from LA. But last night, I was watching this show and boo-hooing! The show is really good and these kids (and they're daddy and uncle) need some serious counseling! The show is really good though and of course, right after it was my favorite KEYSHIA COLE. I swear, I pray for that family more than I do some folks that I know! BET finally stopped trying to copycat MTV so obviously with these two step in the right direction (or something like that).

In Randomness - I want to find a claymation movie to watch this weekend. Perhaps Rudolph will do ;)

Tis the Season!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

So...I'm 26?!?

Today has been sort of uneventful...

and I'm cool with it.

All of the things that matter are in place :)

So - I'm blessed to have one more year!

I think that's it.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Something More?

Don't you need something more?

Or want something more than just...this?

I'm trying not to sound preachy, but it's hard because I don't understand "us" sometimes.

And I feel as though myspace and facebook further "puts us out there" and showcases the things we consider to be acceptable.

I'm so disheartened when I see the same middle/high school politics still plague our people.

In high school, the "cool" kids were measured by how expensive their clothes were, how much they DID NOT achieve, who was the cutest/finest, who rocked the best hairstyle, on and so forth.

Don't get me wrong. I do believe the a person MUST put their best foot forward. They SHOULD be well dressed, appropriate for any given environment, and should be well kept.

However...what I'm describing, is NOT the same thing as the "high school" mentality.

What I'm describing is being professional and taking pride in oneself.

But what I'm seeing on these networking websites is enough to make me wanna scream!! Are we still promoting the fact that we're spending exorbitant amounts of money on ridiculous name brands?


Are you bragging that you just bought some tacky "Prada," "Louie," or "Gucci?"

Off some knock-off website?

I'm just flabbergasted.

I mean...really?

My question to you is how much money do you have in your 401(k)?

Are you interested in becoming a home owner? And if so, how much money do you have saved up for your down payment?

Are your credit cards maxed out? Do you have good credit?

How about investments - do you have bonds, stocks, cds?

Do you bounce checks - or is your checking account in order?

Do you still live with your momma??

Who's taking care of your kids?

Does partying in the club, drinking up all of your money, sporting the latest "ish," and wearing the flyest gear make you feel accomplished?

My people - we can no longer think we're wealthy or "ballinnnnnnnn" if we're spending money on FOOLISHNESS that depreciates with value.

Didn't you watch "Baby Boy?" There's the BUTTA and the GUNZ. LOL.

It just makes me soo - upset and sad for us...

Let's use the fact that we're living in a time where we can celebrate...INTELLIGENCE :)

Not gaudy 10K jewelery and cloudy (blemished) diamonds.

You're wasting your money and your net worth is in the negative.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Never in my life have I felt like I do this morning. I woke up in the middle of the night, permeated with anticipation. I likened the feeling to being an eager kid on Christmas morning - waiting for my parents to get up - as I wait for my poll partner to come get me this morning, to VOTE. The thought of changing our nation's history brings me to tears...really? A black man, as president of the United States? But so much more than just a black man....a leader who comes along once in a lifetime. I'm honored to cast my vote in his name. Barack - defined as "blessed" or "to bless."

Can you imagine feeling like an election is spiritual?

I can't wait to run to the polls...

I can't wait to don my pin, with Barack's face on it, on my way to work, after my ballot has been cast.

I feel a part of something bigger than me.

Something larger than life.

The audacity of Hope.

A dream deferred.....

suddenly REALIZED.