November marks my favorite time of the year....the absolute BESTEST three months of the year begin in NOVEMBER :)
First you have my birthday, then Thanksgiving. Followed by all of the great Christmas parties at work, Christmas Eve (which is SO much better than Christmas day), Christmas day, then New Year's Eve and FINALLY New Year's day.
And before you get too settled into work...BAM! There's MLK day ;)
I love it!
I have so much to be Thankful for this year.
In the midst of a recession...God has blessed to be in a better financial position than I've ever been in my entire life. He's blessed me with a great family, wonderful friends and most of all - he gave me the love of my life this year.
2008 brought us our first African American First Lady! Oh yeah...and the fabulousness that is Sasha and Malia.
God blessed us with a man who's name MEANS blessing - BARACK OBAMA.
And Beyonce came out with a CD on my birthday....lol.
What could be better?
Has anyone been watching that new show, "Brothers to Brutha" on BET? At first I thought these were some corny kids from LA. But last night, I was watching this show and boo-hooing! The show is really good and these kids (and they're daddy and uncle) need some serious counseling! The show is really good though and of course, right after it was my favorite KEYSHIA COLE. I swear, I pray for that family more than I do some folks that I know! BET finally stopped trying to copycat MTV so obviously with these two shows...so step in the right direction (or something like that).
In Randomness - I want to find a claymation movie to watch this weekend. Perhaps Rudolph will do ;)
Tis the Season!
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