If I was being honest, I'd say that this was the best year of my life. Part of me is scared to see 2008 leave. Even with the whole "recession" and major life changing events, I wouldn't change this year for the world.
In 2008 I learned so much, I saw so much and I gained so much. I learned that a man could love a woman so fiercely - so quickly, so SOLIDLY...that he would sacrifice EVERYTHING to let the world know!
What greater gift could I ever ask for, than God giving me the love of my life?? Christmas came early and nothing else - HONESTLY, really mattered...all year.
Okay - scratch that, Barack Obama (period).That's all I really need to say about that.
Falling in love was amazing. Falling in love in one day was delicious. I wish every woman could experience that feeling. Perhaps, what makes it so special is that I was one of the few select people to experience it....hmm? I don't know.
2009, they say is the year of judgement. Things that you may have "gotten away with" during 2008, those things will come into judgement in 2009. That's a bit scary, don't you think?
Great if you've sown goodness into people, yourself and others. Not so great if you've sucked at life and haven't done anything positive.
I guess this is the time where I'm supposed to put up my new year's resolutions, right?
I think I really only have ONE.
To be the best me I can be.
So okay 2009....I'm ready for you :)